Brighter Future

We’ve all watched the slow-motion train wreck of modern American politics, and we all wish we could do something about it, but it seems an impossible task. Our country is so polarized, so divided, that it seems it might never heal. I like to believe that it still can, and ask you to join me in making positive change. For now, that probably just means subscribing, bookmarking, and checking in on these posts occasionally, and maybe spreading the word to others. If you have another moment, let me give you a few ideas of how we can work together to improve the situation before it completely self-destructs.

The press, as it’s called in the constitution, has become pretty commercialized over the years. News and political commentary seem to be built around click-bait and shock news stories, which in themselves intensify and foster division, they pit us against one another, instead of bringing us together. The first thing we need to realize is that we are all part of a big human family together, living on this little blue planet in space, and if we work together we can make it a better place. This means working together to find solutions that work for everyone, and sometimes that means that the government isn’t the solution to a particular problem, while at the same time realizing that just leaving a problem up to the private sector doesn’t necessarily solve it either.

Every four years we have a major election cycle and every one or two cycles, there’s a swing from one side to the other. Much like a boat on the ocean, the harder it swings, the more likely it is to capsize and sink. It’s time to steady the boat, but doing so doesn’t require that nobody gets what they want, but in fact with some thought, we can achieve the goals of those on both sides of the aisle. The first thing we can do doesn’t take a lot of effort, just a little thought: we need to appreciate the good that others are trying to do rather than fighting them on details without considering their perspective — those click-bait headlines are designed to divide in order to sell advertising, but instead we should work together, and while the solutions may not sell a lot of ads, they will help a lot of people. A little understanding and kindness goes a long way when discussing an issue, even if you strongly disagree with the other side.

Please watch for other postings on the site and our social media feeds for perspectives on key issues that we face as a country, and not just the uncomplicated issues, but some very divisive ones, so be prepared to have an open mind. Remember, this isn’t about you, and it definitely isn’t about me, it’s about all of us together. It’s time to reunite the United States of America — this is a special place, with freedoms unlike most other countries, so let’s use our freedom to improve our own lives, and the lives of others. The world is only as good a place as we all make it, so let’s work together to make it a little bit better.